8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks #32

Last week we left off with Rand Hart ruminating:

Hart looked out the window. The Hindenburg was a couple hours away from Lakehurst. The ocean was giving way to the New Jersey shoreline. These occasional odd jobs were nothing new. They helped for those times when Lady Luck failed him. Most were very routine and this one sounded easy enough. There was a ship steaming west. Probably heading for the harbor in New York and maybe home.

So let’s pick up his conversation with von Osler where we left off:

“Must be something pretty big in that little box,” Hart said.
“Let us say history is in this little box.”
Hart looked at von Osler. “History, huh? I suppose I have to pay my own airfare.”
“You will agree to deliver the box?”
“Why don’t you just deliver it yourself? Or have some errand boy from your company drop it off?”

Why not some errand boy, indeed! To be continued!

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3 thoughts on “8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks #32”

  1. Good stuff.

    Boxes. Everyone loves boxes. Everyone wants to know what’s inside a box. Boxes are like those shiny red buttons that are not meant to be pressed. All great stories have a box (or should have one if they don’t). Look at “Seven” or “Pulp Fiction” (a briefcase is a flat box). “Hellraiser” has a great box.

    Hmm. Whenever I see or hear an airship mentioned, I immediately think of the scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when they board the Zeppelin.

    I remember seeing the Zeppelin NT when I lived in Japan. Not sure if they still operate, but they used to do tours over Japan (that was back in 2010). I think they were going bankrupt as the economy was shaky at the time.

    1. Yes, we do love boxes! They so often come filled with good things!

      I love that zeppelin scene in the Last Crusade. The airplane was actually something the Zeppelin company was thinking of adding to the Hindenburg and Graf Zeppelin II.

      The Zeppelin company is still in business producing the Zeppelin NT. I know one tour company here went broke. But Goodyear is replacing their blimps with Zeppelin NTs.

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