8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks

Last Sunday, I participated for the first time in the 8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks.org. The exercise was fantastic. I met great people and got tremendous feedback. Check it out if you are into dieselpunk and maybe looking for a little feedback on your writing. Or just check it out for fun.  8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks.org.

Characters have a way of appearing in a story. Especially, I think when one is a pantser. In my published novel, The Moscow Affair, such a character strolled onto the stage and stayed there. She is Avdotya, the Baroness Bobrinsky, known to everyone as Dunyasha. She and Lady Dru become best of friends.

Here is a snippet from my forthcoming Lady Dru novel. Dru has just said she is so very glad Dunyasha decided to join the expedition.

“I almost didn’t,” Dunyasha replied, “but this one –”, she hooked a thumb in Klara’s direction, “was most persuasive. Besides, I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you.”

“So you decided to join us just to play mother hen,” I said.

“Someone has to. You get yourself into the damnedest predicaments. Doesn’t she, Karl?”

Karl smiled and said, “That she does. Sir Galahad would have to put in overtime.”

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2 thoughts on “8 Sentence Sunday on Dieselpunks”

  1. Thanks, JazzFeathers!

    You are so very right, those characters that appear out of nowhere are very often the most fun. Which makes writing that much more fun. Had that happen in one of my mystery novellas in Trio in Death-Sharp Minor. She ended up marrying one of the main characters! And she is a great character.

    Thanks for starting the 8 Sentence Sunday. It is a good exercise and lots of fun.

  2. Hi CW. I’m so happy you’re enjoying the 8 Sentence Sunday. I’m having a great fun with it myself.

    I hear you! Yes, characters do have that annoying habit, but that’s one of the great fun of writing stories, isn’t it? 😉

    I like this snippet. The way dialogue flows is very natural and I get a glimpse at the characters’ personality as well.

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