Love/Hate Challenge

Iā€™m in the middle of editing and rewriting sections of the fourth book in The Rocheport Saga, when along comes a tag from my friend Sarah over at The Old Shelter. Well, this challenge is pretty simple: list 10 loves and 10 hates, then tag 10 others.

I had a tough time limiting my loves to 10! The ones I picked, in no particular order, are:

  1. Tea
  2. Airships
  3. Sailing ships and yachts
  4. Wood fires
  5. Fine Art. In particular the works of Grant Wood and Charles Burchfield, the Art Deco and Art Nouveau movements, and the Tonalism painters.
  6. Music. Particularly classical. My favorite composers being Handel and Vaughan Williams.
  7. Solitude
  8. Writing Instruments ā€” except ballpoint pens, which I hate.
  9. Good food ā€” especially Italian
  10. Books

To come up with 10 hates was a bit difficult! These are the ones I came up with, again in no particular order:

  1. Coffee
  2. Travel by airplane
  3. Ballpoint pens
  4. Traffic
  5. The telephone
  6. People who talk constantly
  7. Know-it-alls
  8. Over use of perfume
  9. A day without a package in the mail
  10. A day without seeing something beautiful

Now to tag: Alice, Ben, CL, Jenny, Karen, Holly, Sophia, J Evan, Stanislava, and Jane!

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11 thoughts on “Love/Hate Challenge”

  1. Great list, CW!

    I’d go for #’s 1, 4, 6 and 10 for Love and… #’s 4, 5 and 8 for Hate. I’ve always had an issue with perfume in department stores. As soon as you walk in, the first wave hits you, and then you see the sinister glint in the eyes of all the sales women holding bottles at the ready.

    It then becomes a series of sharp turns and rapid manoeuvring to avoid random bursts of perfume. Red smiles and manic laughter chases you towards the holy light of the elevator. Holding onto your hat, bullwhip at the ready, you slip between the doors just before they seal closed behind you.

    Ignore those tea-haters šŸ˜‰

    “Tea, though ridiculed by those who are naturally
    coarse in their nervous sensibilities… will always
    be the favourite beverage of the intellectual.”

    – Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859)

    1. LOL! Ah, yes, those department store perfume purveyors – egads! And I love de Quincey!

  2. Great list, CW!

    I’d go for #’s 1, 4, 6 and 10 for Love and… #’s 4, 5 and 8 for Hate. I’ve always had an issue with perfume in department stores. As soon as you walk in, the first wave hits you, and then you see the sinister glint in the eyes of all the sales women holding bottles at the ready.

    It then becomes a series of sharp turns and rapid manoeuvring to avoid random bursts of scented death. Red smiles and manic laughter chases you towards the holy light of the elevator. Holding onto your hat, bullwhip at the ready, you slip between the doors just before they seal closed behind you.

    Ignore those tea-haters šŸ˜‰

    “Tea, though ridiculed by those who are naturally
    coarse in their nervous sensibilities… will always
    be the favourite beverage of the intellectual.”

    – Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859)

  3. Solitude is a rare commodity especially if one has dogs, kids, neighbors, etc. The rare moment of pure solitude almost makes me anxious – I might waste the moment.

    1. Just sit back and enjoy it. Even in all of its briefness. There’s nothing to do in solitude, except enjoy it. To let it bring even a mere moment’s worth of peace to the soul.

  4. Hey CW, I’d have thought airships would come first in your love list. That says a lot about your love for tea šŸ˜‰

    You hate coffee???? That’s disgraceful! But we can still be friends šŸ˜‰

    1. Glad we can still be friends. Have to blame my grandmother. She gave me tea, well, I can’t remember ever not drinking it. Never learned to like coffee. In fact, I don’t even like the smell.

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