Death Wears a Crimson Hat – Snippet 2

Book 1 of the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles: Death Wears a Crimson Hat — is LIVE! Get your copy today at Amazon!

Last week I gave you Chapter 1 to sample. This week, I give you Chapter 2. Enjoy!

Chapter 2

The Reverend Ember Cole walked through the door of the Really Good Wood-Fired Coffee Shop at precisely five minutes after one and froze.

There, in the corner, Mary Lou Fight was holding court with the five members of her Crimson Hat Society, all decked out in their red hats, yellow feather boas, and indigo attire.

Mary Lou and her husband Gunter were prominent, very prominent members of Ember’s church. And an unrelenting source of grief for her.

Scarlett Hayden saw her and waved.

The only honest one in the bunch, Ember thought, and waved back. She proceeded to the counter where Harry was standing at the end opposite from where Mary Lou was holding court. The eyes of the Queen of the Crimson Hats followed Ember.

The Reverend took a seat, and Harry handed her a menu. “I realize you don’t need this, but ol’ eagle-eye is watching us.”

“And I bet her mouth is still talking to her flock.”

“It is. And was that a note of disdain I heard? Isn’t that a sin or something?”

“That woman makes the Devil look like Gabriel.”

“You know what they say: there’s telephone, telegraph, but don’t tell Mary Lou.”

Ember smiled. “I don’t think that’s how it goes.”

“But it’s the truth.”

“That it is.”

“You want your usual?”

“Sure. Especially since this drizzle isn’t letting up.”

Harry turned towards the window to the kitchen. “Bowl of chili, with cornbread for the Reverend.”

“Si, Mr. Thurgood.”

He turned back to Ember. “You having a good day so far?”

“Not bad. Just wish I’d hear more good news. People tend to see me when they need something fixed.”

“That’s usually how it goes. When you’re in the fix-it business, that is.”

“Ain’t that the truth.”

“Order up for the Reverend.”

Harry grabbed Ember’s plate of cornbread and bowl of chili and set them before her, and added a set of tableware and a napkin.

“Thanks, Harry.”

“Water? Or would you like to be more adventurous today?”

“Water’s fine.”

Harry filled a glass and set it before her.

Between spoons of chili, Ember asked, “What are the Hats doing here? It’s not their regular day.”

“Don’t know. Hang on. I’m being flagged. Probably another chamomile tea, with soy milk and Allulose. I’ll be back.”

Ember didn’t watch Harry Thurgood walk over to the table of Hats because she knew Mary Lou would be watching to see if she did.

A spoon of chili made its way to Ember’s mouth. That woman makes my blood boil, she thought as she swallowed the chili. Just something else I need to leave in your capable hands, Jesus. But I do wish you’d do something real quick.

Harry left the table, stopped at the window to give the orders to Miguel, and returned to where Ember was sitting.

“How is it,” he said, “that information just flows to some people and usually to the people you don’t want to have it?”

“Wish I knew. Did they say something critical about us over there?”

“Mary Lou made a couple of suggestive comments about you and me. I told her I needed to keep my very few customers satisfied, and if she could send more business my way, I’d give her and her group free drinks next time.”

“What did she say?”

“Purred on as to how they all would do their best for me.”

“Good luck with that. Since you didn’t get a loan through her husband’s bank, she’d just as soon see you go under as to help you out.”

“Maybe. But where would Charmaine get her chamomile tea?”

“As if Mary Lou gave a damn about that.”

“Whoa, Reverend! I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

Ember smiled. “I shouldn’t let her get under my skin. It’s just that she makes life very difficult for me. And can make it worse, if she chose to do so.” She paused, and added, “God, I hate walking on eggshells.”

“Let’s change the subject. You doing anything later? We could get a bite to eat and watch a movie at my place. Or yours.”

“I’d like that, Harry. But…”

“Yeah, yeah. You have to be above reproach, so gossip hags like Mary Lou won’t have any ammunition.”

“Sorry. You see, every year I’m up for review. I don’t want to get sent somewhere else. I… Well, you know… I like it here.”

“In spite of being an outsider?”

“There are some nice people here. And it’s beautiful country.”

“Gotcha.” He paused, then said, “If you change your mind…”

Ember nodded.

“Order up, Mr. Thurgood.”

Harry took the tray to the Crimson Hat table, and Ember put a spoonful of chili in her mouth. She slowly chewed and thought of Harry asking her out. He was definitely an attractive man. Tall. With that wavy blond hair. Probably in his forties.

A man of the world interested in me. She smiled, but a frown quickly pushed the smile away. Mary Lou. If it wasn’t for her, I could go out with him. But that will never happen.

She took a bite of cornbread. But if we did go out, nothing could come of it. We can only be friends. Because if he knew…

Ember didn’t want to go down that road, not now, and quickly finished her lunch. She got up, fished a twenty out of her purse, remembering she hadn’t paid for breakfast, and put it on the counter next to her plate. After smoothing her skirt, she cast a glance at the Hats, and saw Mary Lou looking at her. She smiled at the Queen of the Magnolia Bluff Society of Gossips, Backbiters, and Character Assassins, and headed for the door.

Once outside, she stopped, took hold of the cross that hung on a chain around her neck, and whispered. “Anytime, Lord. Anytime.”

I hope you enjoyed that sample. 

Here is a brief summary of Death Wears a Crimson Hat.

Secrets, gossip, and a murder that could reveal all.

Harry Thurgood just wants a quiet life, and to leave his past in the past. And he thinks he’s found the perfect place in sleepy Magnolia bluff, Texas. Until the murder of a prominent citizen threatens to let the skeletons out of his closet.

Quiet and unassuming, the Reverend Ember Cole wants nothing more than to be a good pastor to her congregation. And when her friendship with Harry threatens her job, she has to choose between friendship and the church.

However, when the murder is pinned on Ember, Harry decides he and Ember have to find the real killer to keep Ember out of jail and Harry’s past in the past.

But when Harry and Ember are almost killed in a hit and run, they realize the killer will stop at nothing to avoid being found. Even if he has to kill again.

Death Wears a Crimson Hat by CW Hawes is the first book in the new multi-author crime series: The Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles. Each book in the series will be written by one of The Underground Authors and will feature action, suspense, humor, and, of course, murder.

Get in on the action, and see if you can solve the mystery!

And you can do that starting Thursday, April 21st!

Comments are always welcome. And until next time, happy reading!


CW Hawes is a playwright, award-winning poet, and a fictioneer; as well as an armchair philosopher, political theorist, and social commentator. He loves a good cup of tea and agrees that everything’s better with pizza.


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