Indie April Suggestions – Part 6

James Vincett

A few years ago, I read that 3,000 new books appeared on Amazon every day. That is quite a number, and I bet it has only gone up.

The other week, someone wrote that there are 8 million books available on the Zon. Eight Million. That is absolutely incredible.

If you’re a writer, the question you’re probably asking is: how do I get people to find my books? And that is a very good question, but one I hope to address in a different post.

If you are a reader, you’re probably asking: how do I find my next good read? And that is a very good question, especially since Amazon has started polluting our search results with sponsored ads.

Nearly half of our search results aren’t search results — they’re advertising.

It is getting to the point where I don’t like searching for books on Amazon anymore. There are just too darn many ads. In fact, I’ve started searching for books on Google. And then I see where they are being sold, and often end up buying the book someplace other than Amazon. The Zon might want to take a new look at their over zealous ad pollution of book pages.

I am both a reader and a writer. And since becoming an independent author-publisher, I’ve consistently sought out those excellent books that aren’t in the top 300,000 on Amazon. And I’ve found quite a few, which I then go on to promote. Hoping they get a wider audience.

One of those serendipitous finds was James Vincett’s highly imaginative Hominin Universe.

Vincett has set three series in his future the universe. I would broadly class his books as space opera, with hefty side servings of military SF and action & adventure. And they will all wet your whistle for more.

Hominin Union

The first series is his Hominin Union trilogy, of which volumes 1 and 2 are out. They are top drawer, first class reading. He combines, space opera, military SF, political intrigue, with lots of action and adventure. Having just finished book 2, The Borrega Test, I’m champing at the bit for book 3.

This series is every bit as good as The Foundation, Star Wars, or Battlestar Galactica. Loads of characters to love and hate, and a tense storyline that has you biting your nails. I’m all in on this one.

You can find The Anuvi Incident and The Borrega Test on Amazon.

The Far Frontier

Two books are out in the episodic Far Frontier series. These are classic SF novellas of space exploration. They are very imaginative and highly inventive. Filled with curious humans, strange aliens, and fantastic worlds.

You can get Hope’s Surprise and The Dreaming Oceans of San Miguel (man, do I love that title) on Amazon.

The Independencies

This series is brand new. Slalom, Inc was just published in March. It’s a longish novelette, or shortish novella, that is the perfect vehicle for telling an ongoing story in easily digestible nuggets.

Slalom, Inc reminded me a lot of Firefly. So if you’re a Browncoat fan, I think you’ll like this first tale of The Independencies in Vincett’s Hominin Universe. And you can get Slalom, Inc at Amazon!

What I like most about James Vincett’s books, and I’ve read them all, is that they are set in a universe that pulls me in. I want to know more about it. I’m intrigued by it. A major plus is that Vincett knows how to people his universe with believable humans, near humans, and aliens.

The science incorporates classic SF tropes that are informed with current day understanding. So you get the best of both worlds: classic and modern SF. All wrapped up in a masterfully told story.

I’d love to see Vincett’s books on the big or small screen. And I’m not much of a movie or TV person!

If you read science fiction, James Vincett is an indie author you just have to meet.

Get his books, read them, and review them. Support this super indie writer. You won’t be sorry.

Comments are always welcome. And until next time, happy reading!

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