Stairway to Hell is Live!

Stairway to Hell, the second Pierce Mostyn Paranormal Investigation, went live officially yesterday.

I did a soft launch over the weekend to my VIP Readers. They got a reduced price bonus. If you want to get in on future Pierce Mostyn extras, become a VIP Reader!

So what’s all the fuss about Pierce Mostyn anyway? And what’s so special about Stairway to Hell? I’m so glad you asked!

Special Agent in Charge Pierce Mostyn works for the Office of Unidentified Phenomena. The OUP actively works those X-File cases, and Mostyn is one of their top agents. Unlike Fox Mulder, Mostyn has the support of the bureaucracy. Well, at least those very few bureaucrats who even know the OUP exists. Because officially it doesn’t.

After all, in its infinite wisdom, the US government deems it’s in our best interest that we remain ignorant of the potential threats and dangers to us from what’s out there.

But what is out there? To learn that, my friends, you’ll have to stay tuned to this channel. The only channel bringing you this super classified information. Because the people have a right to know!

So where exactly is this hell that the stairway leads to? Conforming to tradition, hell is down. It is beneath our feet. It is in the subterranean world of K’n-yan.

What’s more, the K’n-yanians, while “human”, aren’t homo sapiens. In fact, they aren’t even from this planet. Or even this dimension. There distant ancestors were the original worshipers of The Great Old Ones. Those insane blasphemies of unwholesome anti-physics.

HP Lovecraft, before he died, got hold of an account of someone who’d been to K’n-yan. Lovecraft disguised fact as fiction, as he often did, in a story called “The Mound”.

Now, decades later, another entrance to K’n-yan was discovered. Stairway to Hell is the account of Mostyn’s detainment, along with his team, in the subterranean world. And, following Lovecraft, I’ve disguised truth as fiction. Which is simply a safeguard, because we all know the truth is out there.

Get Stairway to Hell on Amazon.

The truth will set you free.

Comments are always welcome! And until next time, happy reading!

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4 thoughts on “Stairway to Hell is Live!”

  1. Grabbed my copy! It’s next in line to be read after I finish my reread of an old favourite, ‘The Night Parade’ by Scott Ciencin (which, coincidentally, has a touch of Lovecraft about it, also).

    1. Thank you very much, kind sir!

      I’m not familiar with Scott Ciencin, nor “The Night Parade”. Lots of negative reviews on Amazon, but not many specifics. One critique was that the book was more horror than fantasy. Hm. Just might be my cup of tea. Especially if there is the odor of Lovecraft hanging about it. I’ll put it on my list to check out! Thanks!

      1. Yeah, when I first read it many years ago, I went in thinking it was fantasy and was pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. I think a lot of ‘writers’ today dismiss authors like him (and a great many others) because their style of writing doesn’t conform with their own ideas or (very much so in the current climate) present ideas or beliefs that, for the time, were commonplace. I dread the day that such people begin to edit stories of the past to fit their own sensibilities, instead of just closing the book and accepting that there are, and hopefully always will be, books that don’t conform to what they or society likes.

        1. Agree 100%. So many want to sanitize life, history, even the future if they could. Things are what they are.

          I get very annoyed when people criticize a book or movie from the past that isn’t “PC” by our current standards. Instead of seeing it as a window into the past and appreciating it for what it is.

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