Seventeen Days…

…and counting! In 17 days the moving van will be here and a new adventure begins. For those of you who do not know, my wife and I are relocating to Houston, Texas.

She’s retiring on the 17th. She’s put in her time working for the man and is now looking forward to spending her days painting. And if we plan it right, she’ll make some money doing so. That, however, requires a business plan and she hasn’t gotten that far. Yet.

For me, though, all of the packing and sorting is basically a pain in the… I can’t focus! Too much of my brain’s RAM is filled up with wrapping paper, bubblewrap, and boxes.

My books are boxed. My paper (most of it, anyway) is boxed. Most of my pens are packed away. File drawers are empty and the contents packed in boxes.

In the chaos of moving, my writing world is upside down. And that is giving my creative brain conniption fits.

I want to write! And it seems all I’m getting done is an ever growing To-Do List.

Yes, I know: this, too, shall pass. But in the meantime, my brain is stamping its little foot and it’s not being very nice about the forced vacay.

It keeps trying to sidetracked me with plot ideas, story snippets, intriguing first lines — and boy are they tempting. After all, I could just pay the movers to pack everything. Right?

Every time I start thinking along those lines, my wallet throws a fit. And it has a much bigger voice.

What I’ve done to solve this little dilemma, is to type up a short story I wrote some time back. Typing and editing isn’t writing. And it isn’t very creative, but at least my brain now has something to do.

What I have managed to sneak in is time to read. I have discovered a new (to me) author. Richard Schwindt, out of Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He is delightfully humorous, writes about the adventures of very interesting characters, and does so with a very deft pen.

He also writes self-help non-fiction. He’s a semi-retired social worker and therapist.

Take a look at his Amazon page for some truly fab reads. I provided the link to his author page, as his page doesn’t contain all of his oeuvre.

I’ve recently read (links are to

Herkimer’s Nose

Scarborough: Confidential

Sioux Lookout: Confidential

Kingston: Confidential

All four books are paranormal mysteries with intriguing occult detectives. They are only $.99 for the summer. Do pick them up. Schwindt is a delightful writer.

Now back to packing.

Comments are always welcome. And until next time, happy reading!

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