The Underground Authors

“Many hands make light the work.”

We all know that it is easier for a group tackle a project than it is for us to tackle it by ourselves. With rare exceptions, of course.

The Publishing Business

That’s why publishers have an army of people putting out a book: purchase editors, copy editors, proofreaders, book designers, cover artists, marketing committees, formatters, printers, distributors, sales people, and, of course, the company executives.

Is it any wonder the big corporate publishers charge $10 or $15, or even more, for an ebook that probably cost them less than $5 to actually produce?

Independent Author-Publishers have learned, over the years, it’s best not to try and do everything. Mostly because if they did, they wouldn’t have much time left to write. 

One reason Brandon Sanderson and James Patterson are so prolific is because they have an army of people doing all of the non-writing stuff. Which leaves them all the time in the world to write. (Yes, I know, they do participate in marketing efforts.)

The Underground Authors

One afternoon back in June of 2020 I got an email from Caleb Pirtle III inviting me to join an author co-op he was organizing. The purpose of the group would be to promote each other’s books. And thus The Underground Authors were born.

In those early days, we supported each other by buying and reviewing books; and talking each other up on social media, our blogs, and to our mailing lists.

Beyond the Sea

Last year, we decided to put out a short story anthology to highlight our work in one place. And thus Beyond the Sea was born.

Twelve stories by twelve writers, all inspired by the picture that became the book’s cover.

It’s a phenomenal collection, if I do say so myself. Twelve imaginative, touching, thoughtful, and exciting stories — all created from looking at one picture.

Author and reviewer Lisette Brodey wrote:

I chose this book because I’m someone who always looks for stories in photographs and paintings. So, seeing this anthology, where each author was inspired by the same photograph, immediately grabbed my attention.

All of the stories, greatly ranging in genres, were well written. Of course, I have some favorites, but to mention them here, for me, would be to discount the other stories, which I don’t want to do.

What really stood out for me was the collective talent, the beauty of the imagination, and the endless possibilities of an abandoned / lone boat. And who knows, while you’re reading, you may end up writing your own story.

Pick up a copy on Amazon. And see for yourself. All profit goes to charity. Good stories for you and cash for Team Rubicon.

Who Are The Underground Authors?

There are 12 authors at present in the group. Below are the names, which you can click or tap, and go to their Amazon US pages.

Caleb Pirtle III

Linda Pirtle

Cindy Davis

James Callan

Breakfield & Burkey

Kelly Marshall

Richard Schwindt

Jinx Schwartz

Michael Clifton

Ronald E. Yates

N.E. Brown

CW Hawes

CJ Peterson left the group last year to focus her efforts on her own publishing company. We miss her enthusiasm and contributions, but wish her much success.

Working together. Sharing thoughts and advice. Getting help when needed. Just having someone to talk to. Writing doesn’t have to be a solitary venture.

The Underground Authors. I’m glad I’m a part.

Next week, I am going to talk about the newest project to come from the pens of The Underground Authors: The Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles. Stay tuned!

Comments are always welcome. And until next time, happy reading!


CW Hawes is a playwright, award-winning poet, and a fictioneer; as well as an armchair philosopher, political theorist, and social commentator. He loves a good cup of tea and agrees that everything’s better with pizza.

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6 thoughts on “The Underground Authors”

    As I am a new member to The Underground Writers, I enjoyed reading the history and future of our group. I’m in the process of writing my contribution to the Magnolia Bluff series, (as yet untitled) and will look to Far From the Sea as a guide.

    One advantage I have is the setting for Magnolia Bluff is my old stomping grounds in my home state of Texas, and can mine my past experiences there for material.

  2. Thanks, CW, for highlighting this group of writers and its initial anthology, Beyond the Sea. Members of the group have been: traditionally published, independently published, named a Wall Street Bestseller, the writer of T.V. programs, named a Readers Favorite, and on and on. Clearly, this group is loaded with talented writers. Take a minute to check out the group’s first anthology and I’m sure CW will keep you posted on the groups’ next project.

    1. Thanks, James! Those are important additions. Yes, there is loads of talent — recognized talent — in the group. A writer for every reader.

  3. This collection of stories provides a contribution to Team Rubicon.That team is helping the people of Ukraine in their fight for Freedon.

    1. Thanks, Rox, for that note. That is a very worthwhile cause. I hate bullies. Having been bullied myself when young, and even as an adult. But when it takes place on the international stage, between countries — it needs to be stopped just as much there as on the playground. A purchase of Beyond the Sea will help stop an international bully. And that’s a good thing.

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